a creative community space with a social purpose
Learning and Events
CREATE : The Homeschool
Art Club
Tuesdays (Term Time) 11:00 - 12:00 NEW to Beach Creative- a creative group especially for homeschooled children led by the wonderful Debbie Swann from Cygnini Crafts. This new group session is for children aged 7-11 who are being home educated. Sessions run during school terms for 5 weeks. Each term the children will be presented with a new theme so that they can focus on different skills before attempting their own project. The cost is £8 for a block booking or £9.50 for a single session. Email Debbie cygninicrafts@gmail.com for all enquiries and booking!

Creative Workshops
Next : Saturday 29 March 14:00 - 16:00 Are you bereaved by suicide and live in Kent? Come and be a part of the Kent Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt project. There are three creative workshops that will run at Beach Creative in February, March and May to support you in designing and decorating a square which will be sewn into the large quilt and travel around venues in Kent in 2025 - 2026. You are welcome to stay for the whole session or drop in OR email staklifeoffice@gmail.com for a starter pack and guidelines. The quilt will be launched at the Baton of Hope Celebrations on Monday 22 September 2025 at Dreamland Margate. The dates of the next workshops are : 29.03.25, 14:00 - 16:00 31.05.25, 12:30 - 14:30 This project is organised by STAK.life (Stefan’s Acts of Kindness), a Community Interest Company set up in honour of Stefan Kluibenschadl.

Lino Printing Workshop
Saturday 05 April 13:00 - 17:00 This Lino Printing workshop is suitable for absolute beginners Explore the world of lino printing and create your own original prints. You will create your own original design and learn how to safely cut your piece of lino, how to ink up using water-based printing inks and print your design. We will be using a soft cut lino plate, which is simpler to cut when you are learning how to master this fascinating printmaking technique. The cost is £45 for the 4 hour session. To book, Email : tbrownhoney@gmail.com Or Call : 07510599512 FB @Tina Brown IG @tinabrown5248 www.tinabrownartist.co.uk

An evening of Jazz Guitar
Saturday 12 April 20:00 - 22:00 Doors Open : 19:30 Join us for an evening of Jazz Guitar with the Richard Rozze and Steve Bridgland Duo. The performance will comprise of standards and original music played by two of Ken't most active jazz guitarists. Early bird Tickets are just £10 and can be purchased online from https://wegottickets.com/event/644189

Makers Market
Sunday 13 April 11:00 - 15:00 Join us for a Spring Makers Market at Beach Creative and browse a selection of unique and treasures - all made lovingly handcrafted locally!

Jazz Course
Thursdays : Starting 08 May This 10 week jazz course will be taking place at Beach Creative on Thursday evenings from Thursday 8th May - Thursday 10th July 2025. It will be £150 for the 10 week course. Contact : richardrozzemusic@gmail.com to sign up!

Barclays Bank
Monday, Wednesday & Saturday (Weekly) Visiting us weekly on the following days and times : Monday 09:30-13:00 / 14:00-17:00 Wednesday 09:30-13:00 / 14:00 -17:00 Saturday 09.30-13:00 Here to help you with anything from money management and financial health, to buying or improving your home

Clay Figure Making
Drop In Workshops
Mondays, Wednesdays & Sundays (Weekly) Monday 19:00 - 21:00 Wednesday 14:00 - 16:30 Sunday 14:00 - 16:30 Steve Postgate is continuing his popular clay workshops at Beach Creative for just £25 per session with use of tools, clay and kiln firing included. Get in contact directly with Steven to book by using the enquire button above or by phone 07888701049

Book Club
Monday (Monthly) 13:30 - 15:00 A friendly book club, open to everyone! Book club takes place on the last Monday of every month. For further information call Theresa on 07973 985 457 or use the contact button above to email.

Bereavement Support Group
Wednesday (Weekly) 18:45 - 20:15 Join our bereavement group for past and present loss. Connect with people who understand the challenges you’re facing in a safe and supportive space to share your feelings memories and experiences. Participate in therapeutic and creative activities and learn bereavement support techniques. Classes will run on Wednesdays, 18:45 - 20:15 at Beach Creative. £10 per person, spaces limited. Email : veronicapellant@gmail.com to book a space or get in contact via : FB @Veronica Pellant Life Coaching & Counselling Support IG @therapywith_veronica www.veronicapellant.com
Halifax Community Banker
Thursday (Weekly) 09:00 - 15:00 Speak to your community banker at Beach Creative. -We can help guide you through the ways you can bank with us -We can support with account enquiries For more infromation about community bankers click the link above or call 0345 720 3040

Carers' Support Group
Thursday (Monthly) 10:00 - 11:30 The Carer's Support Group runs on the third Thursday of every month at Beach Creative. The group meets 10:00 - 11:30 Do you look after a relative or friend who can't manage without your support? You are a carer and our services are here for you!

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting
Fridays (weekly) 13:00 - 14:00 Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship of men, women, and people who meet on a regular basis to help each other to stay away from their addictions. The group will meet each Friday at Beach Creative in Studio 7. Visit website: pi@ukna.org For General enquiries call: 0300 9991212 For enquiries about the group please contact Lewis : 07795027083

Create : The Art Club
Friday (Term Time) 16:00 - 17:00 CREATE is a new art club for children aged 7 - 11 years. Through a themed topic, we will explore (in the most fun way possible!) skills and techniques that encourage independent creativity and exploration. Create is run by Debbie, a passionate and experienced teacher and creative business owner. Press 'Book' for more information and booking details or contact Or contact Debbie at: cygninicrafts@gmail.com www.cygninicrafts.com FB @cygninicrafts IG @grow_a_creative_c hild

Macular Society Support Group
Friday's (Monthly) 14:00 - 16:00 A group for anyone living with a macular condition (central vision loss). Join us to meet others and to gain information and support. We would love to meet you. The group meet up will take place on the third Friday of every month in the Rossetti Room at Beach Creative. Please use the contact button above or email us directly : Stella.black@macularsociety.org ​Alternatively you can call us on 01306 644908 ​Click here to watch '5 years through the eyes of a mum' from Macular society

Herne Bay
Young Artists
Sundays (weekly) 10:00 - 13:00 Next dates: All in Studio 7 10.00 - 1.00pm Herne Bay Young Artists (HBYA) is a group emerging from our Youth Board. Funded by the KCC Arts Investment Fund, HBYA is a pro-active and creative group of young people aged 14 -25 who are developing their own product lines and learning how to market and run their own projects in our space. The group is meeting fortnightly on a Sunday. We want to expand this group, so if any young people in Herne Bay are interested in joining, just drop Gill an email – gillalexwilson@gmail.com

Cultural Ambassadors Course
Sunday (Weekly) 13:00 - 17:00 There are spaces on our next Cultural Ambassadors course! This FREE ten-week course is available to adults 18+ The only criteria for attending are that you should NOT have a degree in any subject. The course focuses primarily on exploring materials, techniques and processes and will suit beginners or returners, experience not really necessary. It is not a formal course to study drawing or painting. It’s fun, a place to meet new friends in a relaxed environment. The course will be split in to two groups which run either on a Thursday or a Sunday, starting January 2025. For details and an application form, email Gill – gillalexwilson@gmail.com

Round Hand Classes
Call for interest! Are you interested in joining this new group. If so why not sign up and try your hand. The cost for a 4 week course is £80, which includes all materials. Classes at Beach Creative, Herne Bay. For more information:- contact Graham on 07765034908 or use the button above to email.

Painting & Drawing Workshops
Call for Interest Develop your painting and drawing skills with talented artist Jacqueline Newbury in these customisable sessions, suitable for all levels. Sessions can be one-to-one and cost £12 per hour, with a minimum 2 hour booking. Take your practice in the direction you want! To book a session, call Jacqui on 07751 221150 or email : jacquelinetheartist3@gmail.com Visit Jacqui's website : https://jacquelinenewbury.co.uk/
Make a memory
Call for interest! Bring a friend to an art session! Explore painting or drawing in an introduction to creativity. Have fun whilst seeing what you are capable in just two hours. Teaching in abstract or direct observation with a choice of materials. Oil or acrylic paint or charcoal drawing. The choice is yours. Two hour sessions, am or pm with some weekends available . Please contact Jacqueline on 07751 221150 Or email jacquelinetheartist3@gmail.com Www.jacquelinenewbury.co.uk